Featured The Hustle

Once a teen entrepreneur, Brittania Mora-Villa brings discount retail to Madison’s South Side

Brittania Mora-Villa and Princess. Photo by Omar Waheed.

For the neighborhood. BMV Boutique provides Madison’s southside with affordable name brands to provide equitable access to quality goods.

MBV Boutique, 4633 Verona Rd. Suite A, has been found its way to a physical location with a year in the spot. Its founder, Brittania Mora-Villa, 21, initially started the business at 15 years old, selling stuff online based out of her parent’s garage, but difficulties with the landlord and a dream to work with numbers and operate her own store pushed her to take the plunge to lease a dedicated storefront.

“I opened a storefront a year ago. We had so much inventory in the basement,” Mora-Villa said. “I just decided to open up a storefront and continue to do online and then also have a way for people here in Madison to come shop.”

Mora-Villa wanted to provide a necessary service to support her community and pursue her passion, but there were problems when she officially started the store front.

Some necessary equipment, like shelves, were difficult to find, so she had to go down to Illinois to get it. There was a lot of stock from the basement operation, but not enough to get the store running to a place Mora-Villa wanted, but she decided to risk it. The launch was a success, and she hasn’t looked back since.

“We had a really good outcome with the Latino community, which is what we mostly cater to now,” Mora-Villa said.

BMV Boutique is currently branching out to other communities. Mora-Villa often goes to events to run a popup version of BMV Boutique.

Mora-Villa also has a penchant for numbers which helped her graduate high school early. Mora-Villa currently attends Madison College where she studies business management and accounting to help further her business.

The flexibility and the ability to earn money to attend school is one of the parts she loves. She was unable to get financial aid due to unique circumstances immigrants face, so her family helps out with the shop while she pursues her education.

“I get to see and meet new customers and people and then also I get the freedom to go do my schoolwork while also running the business and then I get to have my own hours,” Mora-Villa said.

Photo by Omar Waheed.

BMV Boutique’ bright pink interior contains a wide variety of goods like shoes, clothes, school supplies, toys, beauty care, seasonal décor, a whole room dedicated to baby items and the current hottest seller – tumblers hand made by Mora-Villa herself. There’s a good chance you can find a variety of odds and ends at the shop that she finds to sell at the shop as seasons change.

Behind the counter you can find a member of the Mora-Villa family, often including her dog Princess.

“I don’t have any full time employees, but I do have my brother and… my parents. They come and help out as well. So it’s a family run business,” Mora-Villa said.

BMV Boutique is open Mondays-Saturdays 11-8 p.m. and Sundays 12-5:30 p.m.