WRTP | BIG STEP, a workforce intermediary, has partnered with the Boys & Girls Clubs of Dane County to host the 2024 Women in Construction Career Fair on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, from 11 AM – 3 PM at the McKenzie Regional Workforce Center, 5215 Verona Rd, Fitchburg.
The Women in Construction Career Fair provides an opportunity to celebrate the female apprentices in Dane County and the surrounding areas while emphasizing the importance of creating a diverse pipeline of skilled and ready apprentices. This hands-on, interactive event is open to the public to learn more about various careers in the construction industry and network with area employers and various local labor unions actively seeking out Registered Apprentices. Our partners include labor unions in the construction trades, high-road area employers, higher education institutions, and community organizations. The event will showcase Registered Apprenticeship career pathways and nontraditional routes to family-sustaining careers in the union construction building trades.
Last year, over 20 partners gathered to meet and interact with attendees, and we are excited to share that number has increased for this year’s event. WRTP | BIG STEP is thrilled to partner with the Boys & Girls Club of Dane County to bring awareness to the substantial opportunities awaiting those in the union construction building trades.
Sponsors and featured trade unions who supported this event and the mission of WRTP|BIG STEP include JH Findorff & Son, R.G. Huston Company, Inc., Parisi, Sheet Metal Local 18, IUPAT DC 7, Plumbers Local 75, and the Wisconsin Laborers.