The University of Wisconsin Stevens Point and the American Indian Chamber of Commerce of Wisconsin will offer a four-week certificate program in Tribal Business Relations for any business owners or executives interested in doing business or deepening their relationships with Wisconsin’s 11 federally recognized Indigenous Nations.
Coordinated by University of Wisconsin law professor Richard Monette, sessions will take place each Friday from September 15 through October 20 from 8:45 am until 12:15 pm. Sessions will take place in the UWSP Chemistry Biology Building Room 161 and will also be available virtually via Zoom.
The first session, “The Business of Culture,” will focus on basic indigeneity, Native cultural concepts, and social systems of Native Nations. This session will also conclude with a historical survey of American policy toward Indian tribes as well as foundational U.S. case law, all of which will set the table for Sessions Two through Four. Guest speaker Dan Cornelius, Outreach Program Manager for the Great Lakes Indigenous Law Center.
The second session, “The Legal Blueprint,” will provide a survey of American law dealing with Indian tribes, especially those statutes and case law most pertaining to working with Tribe government and doing business in Indian Country. Attorney Robert Lyttle will be the guest speaker.
The third session, “Of Government and Business: A Tribal Worldview,” will provide a survey of the various models and structures of tribal governments, including a look at a couple tribal constitutions and codes, specifically tribe departments and businesses. Jerilyn DeCoteau, a Justice for the Supreme Courts of the Pueblo de San Ildefonso and Kiowa Tribe, will speak on the boarding school experience.
The final session, “The Culture of Business,” will focus on at some practical approaches to working with Indian tribes, in their territories, under their jurisdictions, with their resident tribal members and their businesses. UW Law Library director Bonnie Shucha will be the guest speaker.
The general rate for the full certificate series is $299, with a rate of $249 for nonprofit leaders and UWSP faculty or staff. UWSP students can attend for $99. The series is supported by American Rescue Plan Act funds awarded to the American Indian Chamber of Commerce of Wisconsin via the Wisconsin Department of Administration.
More information and registration are available at this link.