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Casa Hispana executive director Ernesto Gonzalez to retire

Casa Hispana, Inc., a non-profit organization with a mission to advocate for and empower the Hispanic/Latinx community in the Fox Valley, announced Tuesday that it would search for a new executive director following the retirement announcement of the current Executive Director Ernesto Gonzalez Jr. 

Gonzalez has served as executive director since 2010. He was named one of Wisconsin’s most influential Latino leaders in 2016.

Ernesto Gonzelez, Jr.

“On behalf of the board of directors, I would like to extend our sincerest gratitude to Ernesto Gonzalez for over 30 years of service to our community and for making a lasting impact on the lives of those we serve,” Casa Hispana Board Chair Adriana McCleer said in a statement.

The search for Casa Hispana’s new executive director is underway, and potential candidates are encouraged to review the position description on the website. Interested candidates must submit their application by email at CasaHispanaDirectorSearch@gmail.com. All applications must be received by Friday, December 22, 2023.

Applications will be reviewed by a search and screening committee of community professionals and representatives from the board of directors. The position will begin as early as February 1, 2024. 

Ernesto Gonzalez Jr. will remain in the position during the search.

Casa Hispana’s Executive Director is responsible for coordinating the organization’s core programs, operations, and strategic foresight. They will provide leadership and stability to the organization and be attentive to the needs, opportunities, and interests of the Hispanic/Latinx population in Northeast Wisconsin. 

The executive director will coordinate with the LEAVEN/Casa Hispana Bilingual Resource Coordinator and supervise committee chairs and a growing number of community volunteers. 

The executive director will be tasked with developing organizational strategy, sound practices, and supportive relationships, both internally and externally, resulting in cooperative and effective collaborations that further the mission of Casa Hispana.