Michael Hernandez, assistant superintendent of the Appleton Area School District, will moderate a panel titled “Re-Tooling DEI: New approaches to equity and inclusion in our work spaces” at the Northeast Wisconsin Leadership Summit at the Radisson Hotel and Convention Center in Green Bay on Tuesday, May 9.
The event the first of its kind in Northeast Wisconsin, intended to gather the region’s most influential people of color and allies for professional development, networking and community building. We’ll have more than a dozen panel discussions on business, leadership, education and much more!
Hernandez began as assistant superintendent in Appleton in 2021. Prior to that appointment, Mike’s career was centered in Madison as Chief of High Schools for the Madison Metropolitan School District and at one point East High principal, one of the most diverse schools in the state and a focal point of Madison’s East Side community. In 2015, the former Sherman Middle School principal was given the Roberto G. Sánchez Award which honors an individual, group or organization that has demonstrated leadership in advancing educational and career opportunities for Latinos. He has three Master’s degrees that he earned at California State University in San Bernardino, California. He is currently working on his doctorate at Edgewood College. During his down time, Mike has taught multiple Graduate classes at Edgewood College for aspiring Principals and most recently has taught an ELPA class, Race, Class and Educational Inequities for the University of Wisconsin Madison.
More information on the Summit, including schedule, pricing and registration, is available at https://www.wileadershipsummit.com/regionalsummit.