Special promotional content provided by the Boys and Girls Clubs of Dane County
The Boys and Girls Clubs of Dane County today announced a dozen summer camp opportunities, ranging from landscaping camp to entrepreneurship classes.
The camps run from June 17 through August 16 at the McKenzie Regional Workforce Center, 5215 Verona Rd in Fitchburg. Some are one-week camps, while others are eight-week training programs. All programs are free to attend and limited to 16 participants, so sign up soon!
Now in its third year, the Careerforce Build Up program has already served thousands of students from around Dane County, introducing young people to careers in the trades as well as skills like money management and starting a business.

Summer programs for youth age 16 and older include:
- Pre-Apprenticeship Training Program
- Landscaping Camp
- BLAZE: Girl Trailblazers in the Trades
- Auto Mechanic Camp
- Construction Laborers Camp
- Conservation Camp at UW Arboretum
- Electricians Camp
Summer programs for children aged 12-15 include:
- Careerforce Build UP! Summer Camp
- Conservation Camp at UW Arboretum
- MMSD Construction Academy – Carpenters
- MMSD Construction Academy – Electricians
- MMSD Construction Academy – Plumbers
- MMSD Business & Entrepreneurship Academy
Click here for the full program guide.
The Careerforce Build Up program depends on partnerships with a number of local organizations. Click here to learn more.